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Night Dive for the Monster Show at Orbit Salon
standard and glow in the dark acrylics on 12" x 38" canvas made for The Monster Show at Orbit Salon 2013<br />
<br />
Night Dive<br />
<br />
It’s your first ocean dive Ever.<br />
You free drop with the rest of your group.<br />
As you descend, you realize you are having<br />
Trouble clearing the pressure from your ears.<br />
You have to Rise and fall again two times.<br />
By then your group is gone, even your buddy.<br />
You are now drifting in utter darkness<br />
With only a few feet of illumination from<br />
Your flashlight.<br />
The longer you wait for someone to appear,<br />
The more panicked you become.<br />
You imagine a shark rushing towards you<br />
And become horrified!<br />
Relief sets in when Suddenly you see a schoolof glowing Phytoplankton floating towards you...<br />
Or is it?<br />
A vicious eye Is peering at you through<br />
The luminosity...and then another.<br />
Neon Flashing Rings cause you to feel like<br />
You are going to have a seizure.<br />
Quickly you look away and your<br />
Eye catches a spinning vortex.<br />
Locked into its calming spell,<br />
You become veeeryyy sleeepyyy...